By Default Magento Product Custom options has following field which have radio,checkbox,Multiple select, if we need to add new input type in that custom options so here is the code
Note : Make sure that Don't disturb the Core Files always use Magento Standard
1) Open the file and copy in local folder
2) Open the file and copy in local folder
3) Open the file and copy in local folder
In this file you will found three case of multiple just above that
case 'multiple': //already there line 152
case 'multiplenew': //add above
case 'multiple': //already there line 211
case 'multiplenew'://add above
case 'multiple': //already there line 233
case 'multiplenew'://add above
case 'multiple': //already there line 265
case 'multiplenew'://add above
Note :Here Multiplenew is the new field
Clear the cache and run new input type will come.Hope this will help you!
Note : Make sure that Don't disturb the Core Files always use Magento Standard
1) Open the file and copy in local folder
<multiplenew translate="label" module="adminhtml"> <label>Multiple Select New</label> </multiplenew>
2) Open the file and copy in local folder
array('value' => 'multiselectnew', 'label' => Mage::helper('eav')->__('MultipleNew Select')),
3) Open the file and copy in local folder
In this file you will found three case of multiple just above that
case 'multiple': //already there line 152
case 'multiplenew': //add above
case 'multiple': //already there line 211
case 'multiplenew'://add above
case 'multiple': //already there line 233
case 'multiplenew'://add above
case 'multiple': //already there line 265
case 'multiplenew'://add above
Note :Here Multiplenew is the new field
Clear the cache and run new input type will come.Hope this will help you!
ReplyDeleteGreat Post... i need one help. i am creating new custom option input type called web2print. my steps are i can modify only config.xml file. i got a additional web2print input type. but front panel i am add this option. but my add to cart not working please help me. demo Url :
thx..Excatly where is that field "web2print"?