Saturday, July 28, 2012

Magento 2 will Release at the End of this Year

Magento have announced the Magento 2 project  which will be realsing at the end of this year.
Magento 2 is the result of the Magento team’s learning curve in the world of ecommerce application development since its inception back in 2001.

Magento 2. Much in the way of improved functionality and performance has been promised. Some of the new features set to be included are:

Magento send Custom Email

Magneto have default some of the already made Email Template .Now we also can make the Custom email Template used as per our need ,for standard of sending the Email.let's take an example of adding the Custom Email

Magento upgrading the MYSQL SCRIPT for Module

Every Module in Magento have the Sql folder in which all the insert script is written but some time we need to add new field in  some tables so we need to upgrade the script .You don't need to change or run the query directly in databse it's wrong way

You can upgrade your module to make your necessary database changes. To do so,

Magento Add to cart in Upsell Product

Magento by default doesn't show the "Add to CART" Button in Upsell product

just need to add the following code u will get the Add to Cart Button

<button type="button" class="form-button add-to-cart" onclick="window.location='<?php echo $this->getAddToCartUrl($_link) ?>';"> <?php echo $this->__('Add to Cart') ?> </button>

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Magento - Limit Displayed Characters From Product Short Description

Magento by default showing more word in the Short Description ,But some time we want to reduce the length of Short description 

We can use this code wherever we required the Short Description should come with limit words

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Magento Observer and Dispacting Events

What is Event?
An Event is something that occurs in a certain place during a particular sequence flow. Say once a customer completes an order, the flow sequence would be to

1. Save the order details 2. Send e-mail confirmation to customer

may be more like before loading a database model, after loading a database model, before saving the cart object and many more

Events may be emitted before or after each of these flow points to introduce custom logic.

Magento Debugging tips

Here are some Debugging tips which will help to debug magneto code.As some of the tools are also availiable which will help to debug the code easily 

There is one free extension availiable for the Debugging the code ,files,DB on the following link 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Magento Maximum Length of Attribute

In Magento By default maximum length of an attribute is less than 30 synbols

we can upgrade to new value just need to edit one file

app/code/core/Mage/Eav/Model/Entity/Attribute.php copy to

app/code/local/Mage/Eav/Model/Entity/Attribute.php and



Hope this will help you

Magento Condition based on the Layout

Sometime we require to place the condition for particular layout  you can use this two methods


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