Monday, March 19, 2012

Magento install step by step

Easy way to install magento on local machine with XAMPP or WAMP server

1) Go to Magento and download a latest copy of this software here.
Extract the folder to C:Xampphtdocs or C:wampwww (if you install them in default mode).
Download a sample data and extract them to your folder from magento site

2) Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin
Create a new database
Import a sql file that you just extracted from the sample file into this database from magento

3) Some setting need in php.ini and find the line
max_execution_time = 30
Change it to:
max_execution_time = 180


Following extension sholud be active  Meaning, that you just need to remove the “;” (semi-colon) character out from in front of it
and also  Enable URL rewrites:

You can do this by remove the “#” hash character in front of the following line:
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

4) Now Magento Installation Wizard will start if you have set up all the things cprrectly in your broser. Open up the lcalhost url with folder in which you have addded the magento in your browser, and if you did all the above setup correctly, you’ll see the first part of the Magento installation screen:

5)Go next as per the following as per the screen shots

6) Make sure enter the Db name 

Enter the base url if we have valid url if we don't have and as we are installing on localhost so need to do some more step go, While installation it may ask that url is not valid so you need to open the js folder under root folder of magento i.e  js\prototype\validation.js search for the validate-url and comment that line and then refresh the Browser where magento had asked for valid url and then proceed after completion of the installation un comment the line  

7)This part will take more time to exceute as it will loaded all the remaning table and setting up the enviornment 

 Feel free to login to the backend to start setting things up.

1 comment:

  1. I've followed this steps during installing's really helps me so much..thanks bro..:)


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